Summerfest is the best!!

Summerfest is the best!!

We had an ABSOLUTE blast at Summerfest 2024!! Our first year at the incredible Milwaukee event proved to be a memorable one. From marching bands to mega stars, Summerfest has something for everyone. We were honored to be a part of the first Summerfest celebrity pickleball tournament, featuring the Mayor of Milwaukee!

 Thousands of people stopped by our booth to check out the goods and many stopped to inquire about the sport. It was so fun to share the love of pickleball with people who have yet to play, some who have played a little, and a few that were already hooked. Our Civile challenge to play ping pong with pickleball paddles brought some seriously hilarious moments. And, with the Redbull DJ nearby, no one seemed to mind who won or lost, so long as everyone danced while playing!

We are already looking forward to the 2025 event where pickleball is going to be making a much larger footprint at the event. Check out their website now, get some tickets for you and a friend, and come see us!!

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