Ok, Ok, Ok...it's not exactly the same but recent restrictions put on our homecourt of Bobby Riggs has us wondering, "What's all the complaining about?".
The covenant of quiet enjoyment is an implied term in all California leases that gives tenants the right to use and enjoy their rental unit without interference. While we understand how the constant sound of pickleball paddles striking pickleball balls might interfere with someone's "quiet" enjoyment, we are curious how the majority of people feel. Is it simply that the majority of us pickleball players don't live in such close proximity to courts that we aren't aware of what it is like to do so? Are the people who complain about the noise just NOT pickleball players? Or, do pickleball players who live close to courts also mind the constant sound regardless of the fact that it is part of a game they too love?
We want to hear your thoughts. Send us an email to aesteele@civileapparel.com to be a part of the conversation. We may request an interview with you to discuss further.
Oh, and either way you feel about it, be civil and play nicely.