Civile Life Lessons

Civile Life Lessons

We're so excited to announce our Civile Life Lessons, which you may have seen on our social pages lately. It's incredible how often we find ourselves repeating things on the court that also can be applied to the bigger picture of our lives. We wanted to touch on a few of the most important pickleball life lessons here. 

Today's life lesson is: If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.

This is a timeless phrase used by parents worldwide to encourage their kids to speak only kind words and behave in a manner that is amicable to those around them. It's a critical message, especially in these divisive times. We can have differences in opinion, but expressing and exploring our differences should always be met with respect. Spewing hateful or hurtful words does not inspire change or progress. It does not modify another's view but only works to further exacerbate negative relations. 

On the court, this phrase has a more playful, but equally necessary, message. Our Founder, who often plays in partnership with her husband, set this phrase as the boundaries for on-court communication in an effort to keep the comments between them positive. Negative comments or actions (you know those deep breaths people take out loud when you miss a shot) are not productive and can push your partner into a state of discomfort or anxiety, creating a difficult mentality for athletic success. Sports require you to be in your body, not your head. Don't make comments that put someone too much in their head.

If you and your partner have determined that coaching is allowed, more power to you. For our Founder, it's "nice or nothing". Compliments are encouraged, but verbal criticism and coaching is just not welcome. 

Don't make assumptions about how others want to be spoken to on the court. Take time to discuss the parameters and rules for communication. We guarantee it help support everyone in playing their best game!

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